Crazy Daisy Quilts, Crafts and More: May 2011

May 6, 2011

I recently learned to knit

My friend Julia and I decided to go learn how to knit. I being a long time crocheter, wasn't sure I would be able to learn, but being the determined person that I am and struggling with my right brain learning disfunctions actually have made 3 pairs of socks. Pictured here are a pair I made for my daughter, Alexi. She loved them. I had enough yarn to make a pair for my grand daughter:
The first pair that I made cost about $120. Consider the cost of the class, yarn, a second ball of yarn so the socks can match, needles, a second pair of needles to work on 2 pair at a time, pretty jewel markers, a second set of pretty jewel markers, knobs to keep the yarn on the needles, a second set of knobs to keep the yarn on the needles and wow I had some groovy chic socks. My family has teased me beyond measure. But, I am still so very proud of the socks I have knitted and the new skills I have gained. Marielle was really patient teacher with all my return trips to the store for clarifications after her class was over.